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How it works 1

Choose your own toys

Sign up and select products from our library. Choose the plan that corresponds with how long you want to own them for.

Unlimited playtime

This is the fun part—the toys are yours to play with for as long as you choose. You may also request an extension. Simply keep toys as long as they are still being loved at home.

How it works 2
How it works 3

Return and swap

Your items will be picked up from your door at end of your ownership tenure, letting you swap for something new. No hassle, no clutter.

Any questions?

Is CIRQL good value for money?
It certainly is. For every ₹ 1,499 spent with us, the average customer plays with ₹ 10,000 worth of toys! This is because CIRQL subscribers are swapping and not shopping. Any toy that is unloved or outgrown can be swapped at any time for something else. No money has been wasted on unwanted toys, collecting dust. With CIRQL, you only pay when you play.
What toys can I get through CIRQL?
We have toys across range for 0-12 years of age in our toy library, where you can find all of the latest must-haves. You can browse our toy library before you sign up. If there’s something you would love us to stock, then we are very open to suggestions. Email us at
What ages are your toys for?
We stock toys for babies, toddlers and children up to 12 years of age. You can easily filter your toy searches by age, toy type, skill and token value - perfect for finding the right toy for your family.
Are your toys clean and safe?
Absolutely, hygiene and safety are really important to us. All our toys are returned to our central facility where everything we send out is checked, sterilised and ready for play. It’s likely they’re cleaner than the second-hand toys at your daycare or school setting. And to further put your mind at rest, all CIRQL toys meet UK and EU safety standards.
What if I break or lose a toy?
We find that children learn to treat toys well once they understand that the toy is going to another child after them. But we know accidents happen. Fair wear and tear is a given and we know that children are really good at playing hide-and-seek with them. If we need to replace a toy we will charge a fee that we deem to be fair, but rest assured we will never charge more than the MRP of the toy. We consider: • If the toy can not be repaired • If the toy is no longer safe • If the condition of the toy is deemed to be less than good • If the toy can no longer be played with as it was intended
What if I want to keep a toy forever?
If you get a toy from us that you love and want to keep forever simply get in touch with us at and we shall help you out! Alternatively if your total spend on a toy is equal to its MRP it's yours to keep it forever, at no extra cost. Hooray!
See All Faqs

Perfect kids gift

Send or receive a gift that you can keep or swap for something else.